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Enigma Machine | PIC Enigma Machine | Wireless Arduino Enigma Machine | Arduino Touch Screen Enigma Machine | Arduino Enigma Machine | Enigma-E Enigma Machine | Excel Enigma Machine | Paper Enigma Machine
PIC Enigma Machine
If the PIC Enigma Machine doesn't detect a AT/XT keyboard, then kb will be displayed.
The 7x5 dot matrix displays are red, which is not shown very clearly in the pictures or video.
Components needed for this project:
4.5v (No voltage Regulator needed)
1x - PIC16F628A
1x - PIC 18-Pin Socket
1x - PS/2 Mini Connector
1x - 7x5 Dot Matrix Display
5x - 100ohms (Brown, Black, Brown, Gold)
1x - Disk Capacitor 100nF
You will also need the following if using a 9v Battery
2x Electrolytic
Capacitor 10uF 16v
1x - 5v Voltage Regulator 78L05
Wireless Arduino Enigma Machine
Wireless Arduino Enigma Machine
Components needed for this project:
1x Arduino UNO
1x 16x2 LCD Display
1x Logitech Cordless Desktop Express Keyboard & Receiver
Wireless Arduino Enigma Machines
1. Top right - German Army Field Enigma Machine
(Transmitting ciphertext using daily settings)
2. Top left - German Army Headquarters Enigma Machine
(Receiving ciphertext & decoding using daily settings)
3. Bottom - Bletchley Park Codebreakers
(Receiving ciphertext by wireless intercept stations)
After interception, the encrypted messages were sent to Bletchley Park to be decrypted.
When you type on the keyboard the top right (German army field Enigma Machine) displays the plaintext and using the daily settings below decodes the message into ciphertext. The message is then transmitted using Morse Code.
Daily Settings
Reflector: B
Rotor Order: 1 2 3
Ring Start Setting: A A A
Rotor Start Setting: A A A
German Army headquarters Enigma Machine (top right) receives the ciphertext and using the daily settings decodes the message back into plaintext.
'Y' service (wireless intercept stations) United Kingdom.
After interception the ciphertext messages would be taken to Bletchley Park Codebreakers for analysis, and using the Bombe to retrieve the daily settings for the Enigma Machine.
Arduino Wireless Enigma Machine Displays
German Army Field Enigma Machines
S: = Rotor Start Position (AAA) P: = Plaintext
R: = Rotor Order (123) C: = Ciphertext
German Army Headquarters Enigma Machines
S: = Rotor Start Position (AAA) C: = Ciphertext
R: = Rotor Order (123) P: = Plaintext
Bletchley Park Codebreakers
C: = Ciphertext
DS: = Daily Settings (B 123 AAA ???)
Programming the Arduino with the settings:
Reflector: B
Rotor Order: 1 2 3
Ring Start Setting: A A A
Rotor Start Setting: ? ? ?
After time, the Arduino will decipher the correct Rotor Start Settings, however.... trying to decipher the correct Ring Start Setting & Rotor Start Setting is proving a problem!
Wireless Transmitter & Receiver
Turing Welchman Bombe Simulator
by Simon Jansen
Bombe Code written in Applesoft BASIC
Simon's Completed Bombe Project
The Bombe Simulator
Click on The Turing-Welchman Bombe below
Click on the Image below
The Bombe Simulator Instructions
Arduino Touch Screen Enigma Machine
Components needed for this project:
1x - Arduino UNO
1x - 2.8 inch Touch Screen (Maplin N10DP £35)
Using Libraries: TFTv2.h & SeeedTouchScreen.h
To purchase the M3/M4 Arduino Touchscreen Enigma Machine with laser cut case and engraved logo below.
Please select either: eBay or Tindie
Pico Enigma Machine
Purchase the Pico Enigma Machine
Click on Picture below
Arduino Enigma Machine
Components needed for this project:
1x Arduino UNO
1x 16x2 LCD Display
Paper Enigma Machine
Paper Enigma Machine Instructions
Click on Paper Enigma below to download
Designed for a Pringles Tube
Excel Enigma Machine
Click Enable Editing & Enable Content after downloading.
Enigma Machine
Enigma Enciphering
Machine was invented in 1918 by
German engineer Arthur Scherbius. It’s an electrical Morse
code-producing device that used a keyboard, lamps and a set of rotors to
scramble text, then send it out to a receiving machine whose rotors were
set in the exact same way as the originating machine’s. Enigma first
went into production in the early 1920s and was used for civilian
applications such as the protection of corporate trade secrets and
private communications.
The German Navy began to use it in 1926,
but it was the German Army who in 1928 created a version distinctly
different from the commercial machine. They added a plugboard which
swapped pairs of letters and vastly increased the encipherment
The Inner Workings of the Enigma Machine
Dr James Grime at the Perimeter Institute,
Full video from above, Starts from 14:15.
Enigma Machine
Enigma Machine with Dr James Grime (Numberphile)
Why the Navy Enigma was different
Flaw in the Enigma Machine Code
Flaw in the Enigma Machine Code with Dr James
TypeX Machine
Turing's Enigma Problem (Part 1) - Computerphile
Tackling Enigma (Turing's Enigma Problem Part 2) - Computerphile
Code-Breakers Bletchley Park's Lost Heroes
William Thomas "Bill" Tutte, OC FRS FRSC
Thomas "Tommy" Harold Flowers, MBE
Lorenz Cipher Machine - (Known as Tunny in the UK)
Enigma Machine
PEEK Enigma-E in Morse Code Mode
More information from the the Crypto Museum
M3 Enigma Machine
M3 Enigma Machine Setting:
Reflector: B
Rotor Order:
3 2 1
Ring Setting:
Rotor Start Setting: