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Largest Gathering of Rotorways in the UK | Loop Magazine Photo Shoot | G-PEEK | G-ETUS | G-BLZN | G-BVGA | G-CCUO | G-CCKS | G-HEHE | G-OETI | G-KEVL | G-CBJV | G-BWUJ | G-KARN | G-ZHWH | G-SBHH | G-ECLI | G-OCBI | G-DRKJ | G-TALN | G-SIMM
Peek Helicopters
Bell Jet Ranger II (Bell 206B) - Year Built: 1973
EASA CofA Expiry: Wednesday 23rd April 2017
Getting ready for a weekend at Eastwell Manor.
Peek Helicopters
Rotoway Executive 162F - Year Built: 2001
EASA CofA Expiry: Wednesday 22nd July 2016
Above owner/pilot of G-CBJV Paul Vaughan with Georgina Hunter-Jones, Editor-in-Chief / Pilot of Helicopter Life Magazine who is currently writing an article on the Rotorway Helicopter and Pilots, In particular G-CBJV, G-KEVL, G-KARN and G-ZHWH will be featured in the Autumn 2013 issue priced at £3.99
Peek Helicopters
Helicopter Life Magazine Friday 12th September 2014
Featuring Seven Rotorway Helicopters the largest gathering of Rotorways flying to a private landing site in the UK.
G-KEVL Kevin Longhurst, G-CBJV Paul Vaughan, G-KARN Iain Brown, G-NJBA Nick Beehoo, G-FLIT Roderick Snell, G-WHOO John White and G-BVTV Peter Scheiwiller.
Peek Helicopters
Loop Magazine Photo Shoot
Saturday 31st July 2010
Featuring Rotorway G-KEVL at AV8 Helicopters
with Kevin Longhurst and Dennis Kenyon.
G-KEVL and G-BVGA Startup
Carl Cochrane strapping in camera man to
G-KEVL landing back at AV8 Helicopters